Sunday, October 31, 2010

Gone Home

Finally, Jeff has gone home. He has been restored and will be waiting for us to join him someday. Until then, he will remain a part of our lives and will be present in all our most joyeous times. The example of his life will give us strength throughout ours.

We will celebrate Jeff's life on Tuesday, November 2nd, at 1:00 p.m. at the First Christian Church of San Marcos, located at 3105 Ranch Road 12. The phone number to the church is 512-396-1926.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Slipping Away

I'm sorry to have to share this news, but Jeff will soon be leaving us. I'm happy to say that he is resting very comfortably and is in no pain. He is under Hospice care at CTMC hospital in San Marcos. Please join us in praying for this journey to end soon. He has fought the good fight, has left his mark on this world and in our hearts, and is now deserving of his rightful place in a world more beautiful and peaceful than anything our minds can comprehend.

In my next post I will share with you our plans to celebrate his life.

Thanks for taking this journey with us, and for your prayers, friendship, love and support!

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Latest

Jeff is still here and is still living his life. The manner in which he does it may be a bit different, but he is still participating.

He enjoyed a weekend in South Texas for the annual "Birdy, Birdy", i.e. golf in Uvalde and dove hunting at the ranch. Jeff and Carlton are usually the cooks for Truman and his buddies. This year I think the duties were shared by all. Such a blessing for Jeff, his Dad, brother, and friends. I don't think there's any place on earth that he'd rather be than down south.

We will continue to enjoy our time and make the most out of every day.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A good week

Ok, can someone explain this to me? Let's see: Monday - slept about 20 out of 24 hours. Tuesday - went to Maggie's volleyball game. Wednesday - Bird hunting with his buddies for opening day of dove season. I don't mean just went along for the ride. He shot a bird! Tonight we went to 2 of Maggie's 3 tournament games at San Marcos High School. I don't know what I expected, but this is the strangest ride I could ever imagine!

Grateful for these good days!

Friday, August 27, 2010


The hardest question in the world to answer is "how's Jeff?" He is such an enigma and a contradiction.

We are at home under Hospice care. Jeff is sleeping a lot, but when he's up, he is still walking, talking, poppin' off, etc. He was even able to muster the strength to go to Maggie's volleyball game on Tuesday!

He is experiencing some confusion. He has blood clots in his legs, but nothing can be done because blood thinner's would cause hemorrhaging. Medication is preventing any pain. He still looks like Jefe'. The only difference is that his head is buzzed, but he still has that mustache! After 26 years, I still don't know if he has an upper lip!

How much time? Only God knows. We've all seen miracles happen time and again around this man.

It is a difficult time, but it's not an impossible time. We are just one of so many other families who experience these things every day. We are grateful for the love of God, friends, and family, and the strength that is provided by each of these.

So to answer the question "how's Jeff":

Pretty good for a guy in his condition!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

We're Home

We got home this evening. Which inning is this? How many rallies? This guy goes from 0 to 60 quicker than anyone I know! He's weak, but he's walking, talking, eating, and is at home. I REALLY hope we have a little stability for a few days! I'm beat!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just Another Day In The Life.................

Since I last posted, Jeff has finished his radiation, was extremely weak for a week or two. Then one day he went out and played 9 holes of golf. Don't ask me how, but he was out there and he swung a club. That's good enough.

This past week he went to work a couple of days for a couple of hours each day. I don't know how much work he did, but I do know that he had some good lunches out! Friday we went to Wimberley to watch Maggie's volleyball scrimmages. He then went with his brother and a couple of other guys for a weekend at the ranch in South Texas. He apparently had a great day on Saturday. He drove the tractor a little and ate a lot! Had he been able to drink a beer it would probably have been a perfect day.

This morning when Greg went to get Jeff up to go to breakfast, he looked to have had a possible seizure and was pretty unresponsive. Greg called 911 and the Uvalde EMS came out. After evaluation they decided the best option was Star Flight to San Antonio. Once again Jeff got another helicopter ride. Maggie and I went to SA and convinced them to transport him back to San Marcos. They didn't want to, but we wouldn't take NO for an answer.

It took most of the day, but he is now resting comfortably at CTMC in San Marcos. Once again his entire left side was paralized and he seemed to be pretty out of it. However, when we left around 8:00 this evening, he was using his left hand. His leg was still not moving, but I bet it is by morning. He is being treated for aspiration pneumonia. It appears that this was all brought on again by a small bleed in his brain. I have a feeling this will become somewhat routine.

Just another day in paradise!